Great idea if for Notification Center only, though there are some issues
First, the app is stable and seems to work for me bug free. On the plus sides:
- There is an iOS app, Desktop app, and Notification Center Widget that sync with their own cloud system as long as you set up an email and password
- They go as far as sugesting you use a fake made up email address, which tells me they are not storing data now do they care about it. Though if you fake the email, forgot
password will fail forever.
- The free version allows entry of 3 items before you hae to remove older entries if you want to keep using it for free.
- There are plenty of preferences for setting alerts, notifications, menu icons, etc.
There are some small issues…
- You can only enter in three tracking numbers, after that, you hve to go to the Desktop app and delete at least one to track one more package, or buy the app.
- Notification Center is where I want to use this app the most, but it is very sparse on details and options.
- If you dont enter in the carrier, it always seems to default to Australia Air or something similar, which tgen gives you strange tracking results.
- I can enter in any tracking number right into google and it is able to determine who the shipping carrier is by the format of the tracking number.
- Rather than having a select meny in an alrady crowded Notification Center, why not remove the select menu and develop it to automaticaly know who the shipping carrier is
based on the tracking number format?
- On the widget, there is a section to enter in a "Description", which is a single line input text field. Allowing returns would be nice, even if you only saw one line at a time. Personally,
I would just make it a text area style entry form. Or, if it is designed to be short and sweet, then limit it to 256 characters, and make note of that above the field.
- A text only export of the delivery data would be extremely handy. I can trust the app to store my data, however, only three at a time unless I want to pay for the app, which I wont use
enough to justify payment. I would love to see minimum free entries bumped up to 10 total or something like 3 per day with 10 max per week or similar. If I could rely
on keeping the data in the app on their cloud backup, i would not need a text based export, as I could trust I can always get back to my data. However, when someone says
the item never showed up, was damaged in shipping, was not as described, or any nuber of the usual e-Bay nonsense, I need a history of my shipping records that goes back
further than three shipping entries. As a result, I am currently screen-shotting the app as well as the "Track this entry on the carriers website" option also gets a screen-shot
and filed away wtih the rest of the records and data for that particular clients order.
- Not a fan of the pinkish color, it would be nice to be able to set a theme color in preferences in HEX or something like that.
- The widget in Notification Center could be cleaned up a bit. In Notification Center, a general rule, the less vertical space your widget uses, the more user and UI friendly it will be.
Look at the stocks app with the "show less" and "show more" options. I dont think that is an ideal method, but there are others that this app could experiment with.
- The widgete does appear to attempt to parse the tracking number and then force the carrier selection menu to the correct carrier, though I rarely if ever have seen it work.
Get it to work and that is an entire field that can be removed, and a ton of vertical space gained, which could even be used to add more room for a longer description, though
I would rather see that be a pop out form or something that still only uses up one vertica fields space.
- Addng in some small icons, so I dont have to add yet antoher icon to my already overloaded menu bar woukd be great. One could be "open app", another could
be "track on carrier website", another could be a checkbox to "Auto fill description from shipping cariers website and enter into our system/Drsktop app. No need to
show it in Notificattion Center though, but certainly show it in the Desktop app and on iOS where there is much more screen room when you are in an app than when
you are in the small Notification Center."
- It is onlu $1.99 for a year, but witout being able to use, test, sample, and see what that $1.99 does for me, the price could be one cent or one thousand dollars, and I still
would not buy it as I dont know what I am buying, what I am getting into, what changes, is a bunch of junk installed in my system to make it seem like buying adds more features?
- Perhaps with this app, it may be beset to simply make it always free, you are never going to get rich off of $1.99, not enough small scale shipping goes on along with not enough
people even using Notifcation Center let alone knowing you can add widgets to it. Instead, show ads. People who do use the app, even if they dont ship often, when they are shipping, you will
check Notification Center many times a day. On deliery day, you will check more, if the shipment is coming to yourself, you may check even more. You will also pop open the
app and poke around in there as well. Pleny of places that ads can be shown. And I am sure USPS, UPS, FedEx and other shipping carriers would not mind having thier logo
shown every now and then. They are more than likely willing to pay for something like that even. :)
Thats about all I can say about such a minimal little tool for tracking shipping. It is handy, free to test out, simple to remove if you don;t want to use it or are not going to ship for a while and want the real estate back in Notification Center. Anyone who ships at least 3 packages a month would benefit from using this app. It is relatively new to the app store in the widget section. There are only a small handful of widgets, but they are becoming valuable utilities to the Mac and iOS
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Parcel - Delivery Tracking